Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Well that was a lot easier than I thought....now what?

Well this morning I reached a goal that I had figured would take a lot longer to get to.  I broke the 220 lb. barrier.  At the end of July I tipped the scales at 260 and was started to get worried.  So through half hearted efforts I managed to shed 10 pounds by the end of December.  Then like I said before I got serious after seeing a picture of myself, taken when I wasn't aware and I realized just how fat I had gotten.  It was time to buckle down and get rid of this extra weight.

So I did just that.  I determined to take on triathlons in order to give myself something to train for.  I started a running group at my church so that I would have a group I was accountable to.  I started a simple nutrition plan and diet based solely on caloric deficit.  Everything else would be too complicated and eventually become to cumbersome to deal with on a daily basis.

Using the two pillars of diet and exercise I did in 3 months what I had initially planned to take 6 months.  I was hoping to be 220 sometime in June.  But to my surprise the weight really pealed off as I started biking, running, and eating right.  I swore off carbonated, sugar filled beverages instead having unsweet iced tea, or water.  I cut way back on my drinking, and more importantly included it in my calorie calculations.  So if I wanted to have a beer or six, then I was going to have to workout more, or eat less.

Following these simple rules I have done it.  So now what?  I'll tell you now what.  Now I'm looking to be 210 by June and maintain my weight there.  I can't remember the last time I was 210, but I'm pretty sure it was in the early 90's.  Stay tuned.  It ought to make for an interesting ride.


  1. Congrats! That is a great achievement!

  2. Congrats! Sounds like you definitely have the right tools to get it done!
